
For our international kyudoka friends.

You are welcome to visit us during keiko when you are in Prague. Come on Tueseday keiko. Mondays are for beginner practice and there probably will be no mato or makiwara prepared in the first half of the season. We have the place from 17:00 but usually start at 17:30 after preparing the dojo.
Location on google maps. Look or ask for gallery. That’s where we practice.
It is not required but it’s better if you can let us know via email, that you are coming.

The calendar has more events and notes on if visitors can come too.

For those interested in practicing kyudo

For beginners we have keiko on Mondays but only recruiting on September and October. It takes close to 6 months on average to get to shooting at mato (at 28m) and moving to Tuesedays keiko